Creating a Better World to Travel
About Us
Launched in 2019 as part of Hilton’s 100th anniversary celebration, the Hilton Global Foundation (formerly known as the Hilton Effect Foundation) works to create a better world to travel, ensure a sustainable future for generations to come, and supercharge Hilton’s progress towards its 2030 Travel with Purpose Goals.

A Force for Good in the World
Hilton has always been committed to giving back to our communities. In 2019, as Hilton celebrated its first 100 years, we launched the Hilton Global Foundation to help bring our efforts to the next level. The primary objective of the Foundation is to create positive impact in our communities and to further Hilton’s overall Environmental and Social Impact strategy: Travel with Purpose. Together, we are driving toward a net-zero future and creating an engine of opportunity for generations to come.

The Hilton Global Foundation supports projects and organizations that are creating positive environmental impact in our community. Hilton focuses on reducing its carbon footprint, water use, and waste, and the Foundation’s primary objective is to identify and support partners that help us achieve these goals in our communities. To support our environmental goals, the Foundation works with organizations that help our hotels reuse food, divert food waste, and redistribute excess to food insecure communities. We also focus deeply on destination stewardship and biodiversity, preserving and conserving our destinations for the next generation of travelers.

The Hilton Global Foundation supports projects and organizations that are creating positive social impact in our community. Hilton’s goal is to create five million learning and career growth opportunities and impact 20 million community members by 2030. The Foundation partners with organizations that create these opportunities for underserved populations to support them on their journey to find meaningful employment in the hospitality industry. Additionally, supporting individuals with access to basic necessities and healthy and nutritious meals will allow our community to thrive. Finally, being responsible stewards in our communities also means doing our part to prevent human trafficking through trainings and institutional partnerships, as well as providing support to those who have been the victim of human rights and trafficking violations.
Our Team

Katherine Lugar
Katherine Lugar is Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs at Hilton, overseeing the company’s global communications, government affairs, ESG Functions.

Catherine Linskey
Vice President
Catherine Linskey is Director, Community Impact at Hilton leading efforts to make our communities stronger and supporting strategic partnerships at Hilton. Linskey has served in this role since 2021.

Grantee Spotlight
R.O.L.E. Foundation
Creating hospitality career opportunities for young women in Indonesia
Indonesian resource-poor families prioritize boys over girls which results in limited access to education, training, and employment opportunities for young women. As a result, it raises the percentage of young Indonesian women having only prospects to access unskilled, vulnerable employment and a heightened risk of trafficking or early marriage. R.O.L.E Foundation's Bali WISE program provides young, marginalized women with a six-month residential program consisting of, hospitality skills training, leading to access to safe, quality employment as well as crucial life skills and confidence to build their power and agency. Through our partnership, 200 girls will be able to attend the six-month program.